Even though the new filters and effects are obviously very welcome, Arturia's software flagship has left little to be desired, and Pigments is now even more broadly positioned as a result. In combination with the greatly expanded preset library, Pigments is thus also interesting for those who enjoy the sonic possibilities alone and do not want to tinker with the sounds down to the smallest detail. You get 22+2 patches from the original library with COLOURS.
▷ 929 MB Samples
▷ 22 Patches from Pigments 4, powered by Arturia
▷ 12 Leads
▷ 6 Basses
▷ 6 Pads
▷ 144 Samples
System Requirement
▷ Compatible with Native Instruments Kontakt, Steinberg HALion, UVI Falcon, Bitwig Sampler, Ableton Sampler and all other samplers that can open the SFZ format.