MJUC JR variable-tube compressor

variable-tube* compressor

MJUC jr. is the little brother of the colorful MJUC.

It's a variable-mu** design with lots of vibe, capable of smooth leveling but also heavy pumping effects. With its two gain stages and interstage transformer simulation it offers a very deep and lively soundstage.
The three-position timing switch not only controls the attack and release times of the unit, but also the slew rate of the transformers and the timing of the other parts of the circuitry, that are directly influencing the generated harmonics (saturation). 

MJUC jr. is a mix of Mk1 and Mk2 of its big brother MJUC. It's combining very natural, dense compression characteristics of the early days of this type of compression with a more forward sounding approach and more harmonics creating of the variable-mu comps of the early 1960s. 

MJUC jr. is freeware!

If you find it useful, please check out the big brother MJUC

variable-tube* compressor

the correct technical term for this kind of compression is "Variable-Mu", but since this term is a registered trademark by Manley Labs®, it's safer to avoid it :-)

** in case the term variable-mu is used here, it just refers to the technical correct term for this more than 70 year-old compressor topology. It is in no way intended to be confused with the product of the same name

The global settings are saved here: Windows: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Klanghelm\MJUCjr\settings.xml OSX: /Users//Library/Klanghelm/MJUCjr/settings.xml If you want to revert to the FACTORY global settings, simply delete the settings.xml file from your HDD
