Somerville Sounds Releases Free The Meyer Choir Plugin

The Meyer Choir instead produces a range of eerie and otherworldly choir sounds. 

Meyer runs through the available sounds and presets on a demo video hosted on the product page. Along with more traditional sounds, the plugin has some quirky presets such as Chiff-munks, No Girls Aloud, and Polka Dots. The Meyer Choir is the second release in Somerville Sounds’ Prototypes range, which is a series of free plugins. Meyer gave some insight into the design of the The Meyer Choir in the demo video, saying that on the front page of the plugin “There’s nothing to do, open [it]up and make sounds.” 

The instrument has eight samples and features the voices of Jon Meyer’s family. The voices are Dad, Mom, and Meyers’ two young sons, Luke and Austin. The vocal instrument is heavily processed though, so it doesn’t sound like a family singalong. 


Somerville Sounds launched The Meyer Choir plugin, a free release for Mac and Windows. 

The plugin is available through a ‘pay what you like’ model, and you can donate to the developer or simply download it for free.
